Do You: Self Hatred Ends Here
Featuring Art By: Nicole Zaridze
Why are we so mean to ourselves? Seriously. If I had a dollar for every time I thought about how much I don’t like my own face, I would have enough money to buy a new face. We all spend way too much time hating our own reflections and shaming our own bodies for being too fat, too skinny, too pale, too brown... too whatever! We’ve watched opportunities slip through our fingertips as we sat idle, paralyzed by fear, second-guessing our beauty, our intelligence, or our worth.

Be fearless! Share a picture or video of how you “do you” using hashtag #doyoubmc on Instagram or Facebook. Each week, we'll select (1) story to be featured on our social channel, and we'll give this fearless woman a Nail Stamping Starter Kit of her choice. When you share your story, you empower others to be confident in who they are and encouraging the Do You attitude!
Posted: March 5, 2018 1:38PM HST