The Empowerment Dance Party for Every Girl and Her Mama

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Don’t lie. You’ve danced with yourself in the mirror. We saw you standing there, hair flipping, and gettin’ down in your pantaloons. It’s totally cool. We’ve done it, too! Sometimes, we just can’t help ourselves; some songs inspire us to feel pumped up, powerful, and sexy. We all have different personalities, beliefs, and bodies, but every single one of us lives for those moments when we feel comfortable in our own skin.
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So, we’re calling an impromptu dance party! Get up off your butt and shake what your amazing mama gave you. Us ladies, here at BMC, have compiled our personal favorite songs that make us feel strong, beautiful, and proud of ourselves just for getting out of bed. Whether you’ve been feeling down in a funk or want to get down with the funk, turn up the volume and join the dance party!
Video Source via Youtube: RachelPlattenVevo
“Fight Song” - Rachel Platten
A little pop song with a catchy chorus that gets you moving. [This is a] song that gets my 8-year-old daughter doing fist pumps and Wonder Woman poses. Every girl needs to find her own "fight song" that lifts her up when she is down.
Video Source via Youtube: DemiLovatoVevo
“Sorry Not Sorry” - Demi Lovato
Sometimes you need to light a fire under your own a**. This is my “get-psyched” song for whenever I’m in the gym. Even though this song is speaking to an ex-BF, I listen to it to talk to myself- “Sorry, not sorry I’m starting to get fit AF!” The beat is strong, and the vocals have sass. If you need a little something to boost your confidence to lift heavier, run faster, or even just to feel good, this song is it!
Video Source via Youtube: JHusVevo
“Spirit” - J Hus
Lately, I've been listening to a lot of reggae, dancehall, and afrobeat sounds. I like the positive message of this song, plus the beat makes me smile and want to dance around in a circle, barefoot.
Video Source via Youtube: GregfromDeerhoof
“Paradise Girls” - Deerhoof
The entire La Isla Bonita album is sometimes fun & dancey, sometimes dark & dissonant, and that just perfectly captures my personality on the day-to-day (or hour-to-hour). "Paradise Girls" opens the album on a note of high-energy cowbell happiness, cute melodic vocals, and funky guitar riffs. All four lyrics in this song elevate girls to celebrate our beautiful minds and make us feel freakin' badass!
Video Source via Youtube: WarmerMusicVideos
“Crazy On You” - Heart
I reserve a special place in my soul for Rock music - forever. Heart is an exceptional band fronted by two extremely talented sisters who broke barriers at a time when men dominated rock music. With Ann's seamless and powerful voice and Nancy's hardcore, mega-sized guitar riffs just scream sexiness to a level 10 and beyond! Turn it up loud and proud.
Video Source via Youtube: YeahYeahYeahsVevo
“Date with the Night” - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
This song never fails to get me super pumped. It's fun, a little weird, and a little NSFW... The Fever to Tell album came out when I was in middle school, and I listened to it non-stop. Karen O. was one of the first female singers that showed me it was okay to embrace what makes you different and just rock it. Yeah Yeah Yeahs have been one of my go-to bands as I've gotten older. Their style has changed and so has mine, so it's kinda like we've grown up together. I love that they aren't afraid to experiment and be a little out there.
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Did you enjoy our playlist? What’s your favorite “pump-you-up” song? Share a picture or video of yourself rockin’ out to your personal favorite empowerment song on Instagram and hashtag #DoYouBMC for a weekly chance to win a FREE Nail Stamping Starter Box to help you get your groove on.
Posted: March 22, 2018 10:37AM HST