Maniology Blog
7 Fun Gratitude Activities & Exercises For Adults To Help You Give Thanks
Whether you want to reconnect with friends or feel more at peace with the world, gratitude is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. Though a simple "thank you" can go a long way, the practice of appreciation is about building a deeper connection with the good in your...
5 Things To Do To De-stress Before The Busy Holiday Season
6 Spook-tacular Ways to Practice Self-Care During the Halloween Season
Gratitude As A Form Of Self-Care: A Collaboration Between Maniology & Grateful Peoples
 Too often, people mistake self-care for selfish behavior. But at Maniology, we believe that self-care begins with gratitude - or rather, more importantly, the practice of gratitude itself. Key Takeaways Maniology and Grateful Peoples have teamed up to promote the daily practice of gratitude Expressing ourselves creatively starts with practicing...
13 Creative Ways To Express Gratitude & Tap Into Your Self-Expression
Creating a happy and healthy life starts with focusing on our positive feelings and experiences. Powerful positive emotions have a fantastic way of transforming a gloomy day into something bright and optimistic! Key Takeaways Self-expression is the best way to express gratitude Creative outlets like nail stamping allow you to...