
3 Inspirational Instagrammers You Should Be Following

Posted by Tiana Regan

Inspiration can come from anywhere. We’re all connected, no matter the location, through the lovely world of social media. Artists and creators from all over are able to chronicle their experiences and stories to help spark new ideas and help inspire new creations for nail art.
No matter where you find your inspiration, here are 3 inspirational Instagrammers that are on our radar, and should be on yours too!
Polished Jess
Image Source via Instagram
Part of the nubbin’ club? Rejoice! 
@polishedjess creates the cutest artwork for those who love to wear short nails. If you thought you couldn’t wear nail art because of the length, think again.
Image Source via Instagram
If you love colors, graphics and discovering fun nail art techniques, then don’t miss out on @alterego_nails newest designs.
Image Source via Instagram
Attention to detail with an adventurous style, @hannys_manis enjoys sharing her love of nail art with her followers and also dabbles in an occasional gel manicure!
Do you have a favorite Instagrammer that inspires you?  Please share and email us at
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