From Nails to Neighborhoods: Gratitude is All Around

It all started with a simple gratitude journal and an idea…
Just like how Maniology began with the belief that creativity knows no bounds and that we could empower our community one stamp at a time, we realized that our company is about more than just nail art products. We’re passionate about giving back, which lead to the creation of our Stamp for a Cause program. At it’s core, Stamp for a Cause is built on a mission of community empowerment, fostering not only creativity through nail stamping plates but also a thriving world for all. This business gave us a profound sense of social and humanitarian responsibility - to support charitable causes through our products. Allow us to introduce to you Grateful Peoples.
Teddy Droseros kept a gratitude journal answering the question “what are you grateful for?” Building on mindfulness and appreciation for the world around him to improve his mental state, he wanted to share this concept with others and so Grateful Peoples was born. It’s a simple journal filled with empty pages allowing someone to answer that question for themselves:
Today, I am grateful for…
Kicking off this new adventure started with a coffee shop in New York City. Patrons who’d be grabbing a latte would also find this journal and write a short line or two about what they were appreciative for. What started as a single journal soon multiplied, with journals pouring in from across the globe with filled books returning to Teddy to read and reflect. This prompted him to write his table book, Today, I Am Grateful For… full of handwritten entries and drawings from people of all walks of life. Grateful Peoples now extends this practice to schools, where children engage in daily gratitude entries, spreading positivity.
Imagine if you could color the world with kindness and positivity starting with a single gratitude journal at your local hangout? One simple sentence of kindness can spread through thousands, fostering unity, peace and contentment. It’s a reminder that beauty and blessings surround us - we only need to notice them.
As part of our ongoing commitment to community support, Maniology has over 50 empty gratitude journals waiting to be filled, and we invite you to get involved. Join us in spreading appreciation by signing up to receive a free journal. If you have a direct connection to a local coffee shop, yoga/exercise studio, own a small business or manage a restaurant and believe your community could benefit from non-profit partnerships like Grateful Peoples, please let us know. We’ll be delighted to send you a free journal. Simply place the journal in your chosen location (after receiving permission) within the United States and let others participate. The process may take weeks or even months to complete, but the impact is worth it.
It costs nothing to spread kindness. To learn more about Grateful Peoples, watch my personal interview with Teddy.
* Journals are limited.
I’m grateful for all the pain I’ve experienced because I know one day it will lead to a beautiful peaceful ending. Thanks Maniology for sharing and doing your part to make our world a better place.
Chelsi-lin Velasco on
I’m opening a DIY Craft Store . And 1 day a week we will hold a parent and child’s free craft making class . I think it will encourage , develope creativity skills , bring socializing skills , help bonding support for the kids and their Parents and they can choose to work together or separate, they also get to keep the project, give it as a gift , or donate it to a child’s charity. It also allows both grown ups and children to make new friends . I also hire out for private partes , events , and
BDay’s .
I am grateful for this opportunity to share with my community and watch it grow healthy and positive individually and together .
Thank you Maniology for all you do and for allowing others the tools to give back . I only hope to be the role model to others that your company and it’s Family have been to all of us around the globe . You are an inspiration to many and you keep even our working hands beautiful ! From my heart to yours Mahalo .
Your #1 Fan
Christina K.
Huntington Beach, California
Christina K. H. -Silva. 111-18-2023 on
I’m grateful for my children. I lost my youngest at the age of 18. Because of that I have learned to be be grateful for every moment I get to spend with them. Whenever I’m feeling down, I turn to Maniology and the beautiful outcome brightens my heart. Thank you, Maniology for helping people to feel good about themselves.
Gena Anderson on
I am grateful for my Husband and kids, and all of their support through my struggles. I am also grateful for Maniology because I have found a hobby that makes me feel really good about myself :)
Cristie Bernard on
Love these posts makes my nails look like I went to the shop, but hanks so mivh
Darlene Robinson on
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