Maniology Blog


3 Tips for Inspiring Creativity When You're Feeling Uninspired

Posted by Tiana Regan

Image Source via Giphy
I’ll be honest, in the days leading to this article’s due date, I just wasn’t feeling it. It’s been one of those moments where you instantly go from pumped to pooped.  I’ve been feeling like Ali Wong in her Baby Cobra comedy special—“I don’t want to lean in, I just want to lie down!” (By the way, I highly recommend watching if you want to die of laughter.) Just to give you an idea, here’s where my mind has been:
Sure, I can get to that meeting at 1pm... Why is there so much traffic?... Dog farts smell so bad...Really! Dirty clothes again?!.. When was the last time I vacuumed?... I think I’m getting sick, again… Oh, look - a butterfly!

4 Feminine Product Companies You Probably Didn’t Know About

Posted by Tiana Regan

Periods are so not fun
Menstruals. Period. Aunt Flo. On the rag. That time of the month.  Y’all know where I’m heading with this. Periods have been women’s burden to bear since women have been women.  It’s the subject not talked about--continuing the stigma of taboo topics to keep off the table. NO MORE! Our lady bits need love and care, and who better to give it than you? 

BMC Stories | Making of a Haku Lei

Posted by Neil Norman Laroya


"A haku is worn across your head, so it's bringing focus to your face or bringing focus to the person you're celebrating."

Haku lei is a traditional Polynesian garland of flowers adorned around the head in the Hawaiian islands as a way to share love, celebration or achievement.  

Let Ke'ala from Hakus & Honis share her story about how she embraces her artistic expression through her passion of haku and empowers beauty all around her.


Advice to a Younger Me

Posted by Kara Crail

Advice to an 18 year old me
Ah yes, 18-years-old. Staying out until 4AM, surviving off $1 chicken sandwiches, sun-tanning like a pig on a spit, and basically making every desperate effort to mask our actual identities just for a single glance.

10 Ways to Do You!

Posted by Tiana Regan

It’s 3:30pm. You kiss your hubby, embracing him with sweet “I love you’s” as he disappears out the door to his evening job. You know you won’t see or hear him quietly tip-toe into bed tonight. Click!  The door locks behind you. The house is silent.

We’re Kicking Off Women’s Month!

Posted by Kara Crail

In honor of Women’s History Month throughout March and International Women’s Day on March 8th, we’re kicking off an entire month of articles honoring and celebrating females everywhere. 

Find some creative inspiration with behind-the-scenes stories, candid interviews, and easy how-to’s while you wait for that polish to dry.

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