
How to Stamp Clean Straight Lines

Posted by Tiana Regan

Horizonal, vertical and diagonal - what they all have in common is the line work, straight lines, that is. Straight lined designs for stamping seem very un-intimidating and "to the point"...if I apply the same stamping technique to the design, a straight line should appear and voila!

However, without the right technique or a few tricks, it could be challenging to pick up a straight line without turning the line into something wiggly, wavy, distorted or as we call it the "wobbles." If you're finding yourself needing a little guidance, let Devon, our Nail Educator give you her top tips for getting the best results for straight lined designs.

Tips and Tricks for stamping a clean straight line:

  1. Use the Monocle Stamper. Comparing the monocle stamper head vs. smaller stamper head surface, the monocle head is flatter and has less of a curve helping to pick up a straight line.
  2. Make sure the stamper head is sitting in the stamper handle evenly.
  3. Pick up the design with the straight up and down method.
  4. Use cream stamping polish.
  5. Scrape in the opposite direction of the of the line design. For example, if the direction of the line is vertical on the plate, you'd scrape horizontal. This ensures that polish is not being dug out of the image when scraping.

Have these tips helped you to get a clean and straight pick up? Let us know. 


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  • I understand why you are using the straight up and down approach; however, my nails are VERY rounded. If I try to apply straight down, there is no way a full-nail design would make contact with the entire surface of my nail without rolling. Any suggestions?

    Kely on

  • I would love to Learn how to stamp plaid nails for the fall. I’m such a huge Maniology fan….

    Virginia Wallick on

  • Do I have to use “stamping” polish for the plates?

    Lena on

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