Look fly and fresh AF with Jaunty Juli!
Jaunty Juli: I unofficially coined my plate "Fresh Prints"- a pun of Fresh Prince of Bel Air and homage to the fun 90s style of the time. This is my first collab plate! I've always been inspired by the bold patterns and layering of 80s/90s style. I knew right away I wanted my collab plate to have that retro vibe and have tons of options for layering. I also knew that I wanted each print/design to be fool proof. Nothing is worse in stamping than when you don’t transfer an image correctly and the whole design is ruined. I designed the images on the plate so in the unlikely event they don’t transfer 100% perfect, they still look awesome! And even though this whole plate is centered around the 80’s/90’s, I wanted each graphic to be able to be worn alone for a cute accent nail. I especially love the mismatched dots and small triangles for an accent nail!
Maniology: When you thought about the designs on the plate, what inspired your art?
Jaunty Juli: I've always been the "artsy fartsy" type. I painted and drew a lot growing up. I have a very early memory of finding my mom's nail polish stash and covering the walls of her bathroom with nonsensical illustrations. I'm sure she wasn't happy about that but I like to think it might have been an early sign. Haha! One of my most memorable Christmases was when I got an easel and it was "signed by Bob Ross." It wasn't really his signature obviously but Bob Ross heavily inspired my creativity so that shook my world at the time.

Image Source by Bob Ross via Giphy
Maniology: Creative expression - do you have any other creative hobbies outside of nail art?
Jaunty Juli: I did a lot of watercolor artwork before I fell into the nail art niche and really enjoyed that. I still dabble in watercolor projects from time to time but other than nail art, cooking is a fun creative outlet I currently enjoy. I'm working my way through an Ina Garten cookbook!
Maniology: What is a nail art design that you keep going back to?
Jaunty Juli: I always come back to a plain half moon mani. It's such an easy way to add an extra color into your manicure without being over the top. Or if I'm feeling extra spicy, I'll do a triangle over the moon area! I actually designed the print with the three large shapes for that, to make my life a little easier.

For kicks and in traditional interview style, we asked Juli 20 questions at random and here’s was she spouted off….
- Twitter or Instagram? Instagram!
- Who’s an Instagrammer that EVERYONE should be following right now? I'm currently obsessed with @tinybrushes. She is so stinkin' creative and has an awesome personality that shines through her artwork. Other than that, I love a good meme or animal instagram better yet an animal meme instagram!
- What’s your favorite food? Chocolate and chimichangas. Maybe not together tho...
- Favorite song? That's a tough one. If I had to pick one song to listen to for the rest of my life it would probably be the Wii Theme song or anything Rihanna.
- If you could master one instrument, what would it be? Jaw harp (I know you're all gonna go look that up now xD) - we couldn’t help ourselves either, check out this video!
- Do you have a tattoo? Nope
- Dogs or cats? Both but I definitely have a cat personality.
- What’s your favorite board game? Pictionary
- What’s your favorite color? Mustard Yellow
- Least favorite color? Lime Green
- Best way to de-stress? Watch soap making videos.
- If you had one superpower, what would it be? Time travel.
- What’s your favorite flower? Tulips
- Do you bake? Often!
- What is your day job? Creating content is currently my day (and night) job and I'm so lucky to have a supportive community that allows [me] to have my dream job!
- Hugs or kisses? There's nothing like a big bear hug
- Where were you born? Nashville, TN
- Sweet or savory? Sweet
- Favorite sound? Wind rustling leaves against the pavement. Rain on the roof. Crackling fire.
- Who is your girl crush? Danai Gurira. She plays Michonne from Walking Dead who's a katana wielding BOSS. Off screen, Danai is a successful playwright and founder of Love Our Girls, an organization that highlights issues and challenges that affect women throughout the world. She's tough, smart, kind and gorgeous!
Ready to get inspired for some 80's/90's fresh prints? Grab your Jaunty Juli plate now!