
Your Guide To A True Autumn Color Palette

Posted by Ren Wu

Autumn Color Palette

The rich and comforting colors of autumn make this season a particular favorite for many people - including us. The season full of falling leaves, bright pumpkins, and cozy evenings seems to hold a special place in the hearts of everyone!

Wondering if you identify as a True Autumn? We'll let you know everything you need to know if your characteristics fit the definition of a True Autumn!

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Key Takeaways

  • True autumn is the opposing season of true spring
  • Soft autumn and deep autumn make up the opposing sides of the fall season color palette
  • The autumn color palette is defined by a warm hue and slightly muted chroma
  • If you're a True Autumn, you should avoid neon or icy colors
  • The best colors for a True Autumn are muted reds or oranges, golden browns, and other warmer colors
  • Show off your inner True Autumn with golden jewelry or autumn-inspired nail art!

The Meaning Of True Autumn

Autumn is a prosperous season full of rich and warm colors. However, its gorgeous complexity is anything but simple - that goes for its standing in the seasonal flow chart too!

Autumn's color palette is made up of a collection of colors describing true autumn as it sits in the overall color analysis of the four seasons. True autumn is nestled between what is known as soft autumn and deep autumn on the seasonal flow chart. This flow chart is what describes each section of each season.

The contrasting and opposing season of true fall is true spring, known for its extremely bright and fresh colors. The colors of spring are distinguished by a warm and cheerful tone and a fresh and clean appearance. A spring color palette isn't muted or dull but rather enlightening and mildly contrasting.

So, whereas spring is comprised of bright and fresh colors, true autumn is full of deep, warm, and muted colors. The color combinations that make up a true autumn palette have mild contrasts while carrying golden undertones and warm hues.

Though the colors of an autumn palette are muted and soft, they don't appear dull. Autumn colors are still alive and touching without being drab or achromatic.

Warm autumn vibrant colours mustard yellow colour season soft summer

Soft Autumn

True autumn is the heart of the autumn family, and soft autumn is one of the iconic members of this collection. However, the soft autumn color palette still falls under the autumn color classifications, as it is comprised of muted and warm colors.

However, soft autumn is primarily influenced by the soft summer color palette. Therefore, those who are Summers can also possibly be considered Soft Autumns and typically have ashy hair tones or soft eye colors.

Soft autumn is also known as calm autumn. The best colors for this season include cream, soft white, warm gray, and sage or light green.

Dark Autumn

The opposing side of the soft autumn color palette is deep autumn, also known as dark autumn or twilight autumn.

Unlike dark winter, which is focused on cooler colors, deep autumn is still built on the warm undertones that inspire the autumn season color palettes. The tones and colors that make up deep autumn are usually higher in contrast - or at least higher than the mild contrast levels of true autumn.

Gold accessories rather than silver accessories can beautifully compliment the warm undertones of deep autumn. Deep autumn is usually characterized by dark golden brown or auburn hair colors.

The deep autumn color palette is typically distinguished by dark hues paired with warm golden-yellow undertones. If the unique coloring of your features is darker yet still carries a cozy warmth, you are likely a Deep Autumn!

Color palette medium contrast colour wheel true autumn colours high contrast pure white first example

Warm Autumn

Warm autumn, otherwise known as copper autumn, is, in fact, true autumn. Recognized by a mild contrast and warm and muted tones, a true autumn color palette is what we think of when we picture traditional and timeless autumn colors.

As the weather grows colder entering the fall season, the warm and comforting colors we all associate with autumn keep our hearts ablaze. But what makes true autumn colors what they are?

What Makes A True Autumn Color?

When we think of the autumn season, our mind is filled with the sounds of leaves crunching under our feet and the chilling sensation of a cold breeze. The taste of steaming hot cocoa, the warmth of a crackling fire, and the feeling of fuzzy socks all pop into our memories when this season rolls around.

The different shades that make up the component parts of autumn are easily noticed and recognized. But why is autumn's color palette the way it is?

Autumn celebrities color wheel true autumn colours colour combinations golden brown warm browns

A Warm Hue

Hue is the underlying characteristic of a specific color and usually ranges from a cool hue to a warm hue. The most iconic part of a true autumn palette is the warm hue hiding beneath each color.

True autumn colors are, in fact, on the warmest end of the hue spectrum. Because their warm undertones and hues almost solely characterize fall colors, cool colors aren't commonly considered a part of the true autumn palette.

A Slightly Darker Value

If hue defines a color in terms of warmth or coolness, a color's value measures its lightness ratio to darkness. However, value is not a particularly important quality when defining autumn palettes (especially for your nail art designs).

This is because the value of true autumn colors can vary quite a lot. When it comes down to it, the true autumn color palette typically falls on the slightly darker side of the value spectrum.

Mildly Muted Chroma

The chroma of colors defines their intensity or saturation. Autumn is not an exceptionally bright season, and its color palette is usually characterized by a soft or muted chroma.

However, true autumn colors aren't definitively on one end of the chroma spectrum. While autumn isn't particularly known for energized or vibrant colors, its tones still carry a beautiful level of saturation and intensity.

Overly shiny metals true spring true autumn colours shades true black warm autumn celebrities blue eyes

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Our Autumn Characteristics

Now that we fully understand what makes up a true autumn color palette, it's time to dive into what sort of personal attributes and characteristics can be considered part of a "True Autumn."

If you don't consider yourself a True Autumn based on these general guidelines, don't worry! Not everyone can be viewed as a True Autumn, and not everyone should be. We each have our own unique characteristics and features that make us who we are.

When it comes down to it, our uniqueness is something to be celebrated and capitalized upon!

Warm undertones and soft coloring typically characterize the overall appearance of True Autumns. At most, the features of a True Autumn have a medium contrast level and low saturation.


Our eyes are one of our faces' most distinguishable and beautiful features. We all know that the eyes are the window to the soul - and they can also quickly tell us if we are a True Autumn!

The true autumn color palette is rich and warm, so autumn eye colors are typically warm or golden browns. It's common for true autumns to have olive green, amber, hazel eyes, or brown eyes.

The more intimate details of true autumn eyes include freckles on the iris as well as swirling or unclear borders. In addition, rich eye colors with warm golden undertones typically classify the eyes of True Autumns.

But you don't need to worry if your eye color differs or strays outside these specific characteristics. It's just a guideline for discovering what typically makes up a True Autumn, and you may still have the other features of this season's color palette!

Color analysis warm medium dark color analysis season falls color wheel autumn celebrities warm autumn


Our skin is a beautiful canvas that shows our own unique life journey. Following autumn's theme of golden undertones and muted hues, true autumn skin tones are typically warmer.

A True Autumn's skin tone can be anywhere from fair to darker in color. However, cool, pink, or rosy undertones of the skin are typically not associated with a true autumn color palette.

Perhaps your skin can easily tan or develop freckles in the sun - these are common skin characteristics of a True Autumn. The skin of True Autumns usually has yellow undertones for lighter complexions and an undertone of golden yellows for darker complexions.


The hair color of a True Autumn is typically rich in color and warm in hue. It's easy for true autumn hair to obtain a natural highlight, especially from the sun, and have a caramelly tone.

True Autumn hair colors vary from golden blonde (though it is rare) to deep brown. Typically, True Autumn hair has gingery or coppery tones and a warm shine and glow.

Popular hair colors of True Autumns include warm medium brown or dark brown, auburn, or ginger. You can usually spot a True Autumn by their golden and red hair tones!

Completing Our Unique True Autumn Colour Palette

Completing your own unique true autumn color palette can be a fun and intriguing process. However, as you learn more about yourself and what makes up your appearance, it can be just as rewarding to find out what colors compliment your complexion best!

For True Autumns (or anyone wanting to get involved with their seasonal side), it's important to identify what shades and colors fit you best - and, just as importantly, to find what shades you should avoid.

Warm autumn color medium dark color analysis autumn celebrities true autumn color warm autumn

Colors To Avoid As A True Autumn

What makes a True Autumn stand out is the rich and warm undertones of their features, as well as their muted and mild characteristics. So any color that will take away from these gorgeous features should be avoided!

Any neon or pastel colors should be heavily avoided, as well as any color with icy or blue undertones. Vibrant and bright colors will overshadow and drown out the beautiful natural characteristics of True Autumns.

Ideal Color Of A True Autumn Palette

Now comes the part we can all enjoy - discovering what colors, tones, and hues are best for a True Autumn!

For a True Autumn, it's best to play to your strengths - any warm or rich color will be your best friend. Muted reds and burgundy, gentle oranges and yellows, and shades of amber or gold are perfect for a True Autumn.

In addition, True Autumns can go for light or warm greens (remember - nothing bright!) and even muted harbor blues. But what is best for a True Autumn is a golden brown or dark brown.

The best way to channel your inner True Autumn is by incorporating any of these ideal colors into your looks. Golden or rose gold jewelry is an easy place to start, as well as nail art inspired by a true autumn color palette.

We get it - not everyone can be a wiz at an at-home manicure! And that's why our team at Maniology created our iconic nail stamping kits.

Our products make it incredibly easy to get intricate and beautiful nail designs right at home without the hassle and price tag of traditional nail salons. Plus, our seasonal items make it just that easy to compliment your inner True Autumn and get in touch with the festive season!

Whether or not you're a True Autumn, show off whatever colors make you the happiest when it comes down to it. Whether that be a bright neon or a deep brown, doing what you want is the first step to genuinely enjoying any season.

Keep Reading: 14 Fall Colors To Incorporate Into Your Nail Art Designs


At Maniology, we believe your nails are opportunities for adventure, fun, and unrestrained artistic expression. Our nail stamping plates and nail accessories are here to help foster your self-expression in the hopes of building a community of individuality. For more nail tutorials, subscription box updates, and designs, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

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